19 Dec 2007

We'll keep fishing endagered sharks in 2008

The European Union Council of Ministers has issued the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) quota for fishing in 2008.

The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) scientists, who offer advice for the TAC setting process, have repeatedly advised that the depletion of European spiny dogfish and porbeagle shark populations is so severe that fishing should no longer be allowed. And yet, catch quotas were issued for these two Critically Endangered species.

The TAC for the porbeagle shark - a large, migratory species - was increased to 581 metric tons from the 422t proposed by the Commission. While this first-ever porbeagle limit is, as such, a step forward, it was set roughly on a par with recent landings and is far in excess of the scientific advice for no fishing.

TACs for spiny dogfish - a small, migratory species - reflect only a 25% reduction in catch, as proposed by the Commission, even though ICES has warned of population collapse and advised zero take of the species. Spiny dogfish meat is sold as fish and chips in the UK and as smoked belly flaps in Germany; filets are eaten in other EU countries including Belgium, France, and Italy.

Concern for these species prompted the EU to propose listing both species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in June.

Eleonora de Sabata

For more information, please see the Shark Alliance press release